Noble-Oaks KH Ayala 3*M



Ayala @ almost 11 years old
Noble-Oaks KH Ayala 3*M
PL1530846 - DOB: 03/21/10
Linear Appraisal: Show: DHIR:

2-02   85 VEE+
3-01   89 VEVE
4-00   89 EEEV
12-00   EEV- (partial score)

1X 1st
1X 2nd
2X 3rd, 2X 4th



  SS: ++B Dagron Taipei's Toronto - 91 EEE
Sire: CH Kastdemur's Let's DoThe Hustle - 88 VEV  
  SD: Kastdemur's Let's Do The Twist - 85 +V+V
  DS: ++*B SGCH Rockspring Con Del Darkness - 89 VEE
Dam: SGCH Noble-Oaks Dark Tempest 2*M - 91 EEEE  
  DD: SGCH Noble-Oaks AA Pristina 1*M - 87 VAEE

Link to ADGA Genetics Pedigree


Ayala was added to our farm in late 2014 from the Noble-Oaks herd. Ayala is an extremely long, tall doe, excelling in general appearance. She has an excellent shoulder assembly and stands on a very good set of feet and legs. Her back is extremely long and level, and her rump is very wide and flat. She has a beautiful blend of dairy character and body capacity. Not only is she pretty to look at, but she produces equally nice kids. Unfortunately, Ayala experienced a bout of mastitis before she came to us, leaving her udder uneven. She took 2015 off and thus skipped linear appraisal. We are anxious to get this doe back on track in 2016!

We were finally able to get Ayala bred in the fall of 2016, after failing for two years. However, she kidded with a stillborn single doeling. Despite the disappointment of still not having a kid from her, she has fully come back into milk and is producing very well. We are hoping that this year marks the end of her difficulties, and she may yet see a few shows this fall.

Ayala ended up bred in the fall of 2020, and kidded in early 2021 with a beautiful, healthy doe kid for us to retain! While I did dry her off early on to cut down on the work load, she handled the pregnancy with ease. I have hopes that she will cooperate with my plans to breed her once or twice more in the future.

Ayala continues to enjoy her semi-retirement in 2022. I pulled her out for our linear appraisal session in April to see what the appraiser had to say about her, and she received a partial score of EEV-, with excellent shoulders, front and rear legs, and back and rump, as well as very good in head and feet - all at 12 years of age! That is longevity for you.

Ayala - 2016

Dam: SGCH Noble-Oaks Dark Tempest 2*M

Sire: CH Kastdemur's Let's DoThe Hustle

Pat. granddam: Kastdemur's Let's Do The Twist

Pat. grandsire: ++B Dagron Taipei's Toronto

Mat. granddam: SGCH Noble-Oaks AA Pristina 1*M

Mat. grandsire: ++*B SGCH Rockspring Con Del Darkness
Photos of Tempest, Hustle and Pristina courtesy of Noble-Oaks Dairy Goats
Photos of Twist and Toronto courtesy of Kastdemur's Dairy Goats
Photo of Darkness courtesy of Little Rockspring Farm


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