When Princess died
suddenly due to complications from a C-section,
there was no way we were going to part with the
triplet doelings she left behind. While one did not
survive, Promise and her sister legacy did, and they
have both turned into real beauties!
Promise excels in general appearance and dairy
strength. She is improved over her dam in depth of
body and smoothness of blending, particularly from
her neck into her withers. She is also longer and
leveler than her dam, but has retained her dam's
strength of shoulder assembly, feet and legs. her
dairyness is evidenced in her wedge shape,
pliability of skin, and her beautiful arch and
stretch of neck. Overall, promise is a very exciting
young doe, and we look forward to seeing her freshen
in 2019! Promise did not let us down when
she freshened for the first time in 2019. The udder
is large and productive with a long fore udder and
high, wide rear udder. While I do wish her teats
were smaller and more correctly placed on the udder
floor, I cannot deny that everything else about the
udder is very correct. This doe holds true to her
name, possessing so much promise within her, and I
am very excited to watch her continue to grow and
mature! |