Legacy is our
other surviving doeling from princess, and she has
grown into such a massive girl! Excelling in general
appearance and body capacity, Legacy is also
improved over her dam in levelness of topline and
smoothness of blending. She has excellent shoulder
assembly and stands on very correct, powerful legs.
While Promise may be the longer, leveler doe, legacy
is certainly the larger-framed and wider girl, being
extremely wide from her muzzle all the way through
to her rump and into her escutcheon. Due to her
size, we have decided to breed her to freshen as a
Legacy freshened with a beautiful single doe kid, and thus
subsequently a small udder in proportion to her
large frame. The udder itself is very correct with
perfect teat placement. However, she will need a
second freshening with multiples to gain some udder
capacity and become truly competitive in the ring,
but we have no doubt that she will! We look forward
to seeing her freshen in 2019!!
Now a
second freshener in 2019, Legacy is a huge doe for
her age but once again only gave us a single doe
kid. So, while her udder has gained some size and
capacity, it is not yet where we would like to see
it. It remains, nevertheless, very correct
structurally and, while we are disappointed at the
lack of multiples, we are grateful that her kids
have been does! I am hopeful that she will gain the
capacity that she is lacking with yet another
freshening. |