SGCH Forrest-Pride CC
White Rapids 8*M


Rapids as a 5 year old 5th freshener, milked out
SGCH Forrest-Pride CC White Rapids 8*M
L1728515 - DOB: 03/02/15
Linear Appraisal: Show: DHIR:

1-03   86 VVVV


1-00   230   1530   68   46
2019:  3-11   266   2512   89   70
2020:  5-00   236   2260   69  m 64


  SS: +*B Fir Meadow Val Be Courageous
Sire: +*B Fir Meadow Cor Conquest -  86 VV+  
  SD: SG Fir Meadow Alp Blau Enzian 4*M - 86 EEVV
  DS: +*B Heart-Mt.-Carter-Kids Tiny-Tim
Dam: SGCH Forrest-Pride Tim's Nicolette 7*M - 90 VEEE  
  DD: SGCH Forrest-Pride WW Diva Beyonce 6*M - 92 EEEE

Link to ADGA Genetics Pedigree


We had long admired Rapids at Forrest-Pride, and when Andrea offered her to us in the spring of 2017 along with her son, we jumped at the chance to add her to our herd. Rapids is a true dairy animal: built with the will and strength to produce in the parlor. She is an elegant and high-headed doe, long and lean in the neck, extremely level across the topline, with a wide, flat rump. She stands on an excellent set of legs and feet, is very open in the ribbing and wide throughout, and has a very good shoulder assembly. Rapids also has that lovely dairy skin that I like to see on my animals, and milks like a Jersey. If there were one thing I could change about her, it would be that she maintains condition and not put it all into milk. However, that's hardly a fault in a dairy animal, and, regardless, she will not be going anywhere anytime soon.

As a 4 year old 4th freshener in 2019, Rapids has continued to deepen and mature into a stunning animal, and is milking a steady 11-12 pounds a day despite the extremely hot, humid summer weather and only having a single kid. Having finally started to keep some weight on, Rapids was taken out to a couple of fall shows, and she did not disappoint! Twice Grand Champion and once Best of Breed, she is now a finished champion and can, for the most part, stay at home and work in the milking parlor, just the way she likes.

Rapids had a tough year in 2020, freshening unexpectedly with a huge set of quads - over 40 lbs. of kid and afterbirth - that took a lot out of her. However, she bounced back after a couple of months and looked better than ever, peaking at just under 16#. I dried her up early to give her some extra time off, and she is bred to Xavier for mid-May kids.

Rapids udder as a 4 year old 4th freshener

Dam: SGCH Forrest-Pride Tim's Nicolette 7*M

Sire: +*B Fir Meadow Cor Conquest

Mat. granddam: SGCH Forrest-Pride WW Diva Beyonce 6*M
Photos  courtesy of Forrest-Pride LaManchas



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