CH (pend) Caelum Parvum RM Xavier


CH (pend) Caelum Parvum RM Xavier
PL1997807 - DOB: 01/23/15
Linear Appraisal: Show:

7-03  90 VEE

3X 1st, 1X RGCH


  SS: +*B J-Haven's EE Livin' Easy - 85 VV+
Sire:  *B Raintree EZ Mudslide - 84 +VV  
  SD: GCH Mint*Leaf Kaity 1*M - 91 VEEE
  DS: *B CH Noble-Oaks KW  Constantine - 91 EEE
Dam: Caelum Parvum NC Cecilia  
  DD: Misty-Hollow Lucy Lui

Link to ADGA Genetics Pedigree

Cecilia's breeding to Mud was very carefully devised with the intention of keeping a buckling. Xavier is the end results, and we could not be happier! Knowing we had something really nice on our hands, we clipped him up and took him to our 3-ring spring show, where he easily topped his class in all three rings. All three judges remarked at how he excels across the scorecard, having excellent general appearance and body capacity, and even though he may not look it, once you get your hands on him, he is extremely dairy. Xavier has an excellent front end assembly, topline, and feet and legs. He has a lot of width and power throughout with lovely pliable skin and a very dairy wedge shape. However, he does lack the width in the escutcheon that we see in our Forrest-Pride buck. Otherwise, we are very happy with how he is maturing! Xavier will definitely be getting a lot more use this fall than he did in 2018.

Xavier has become a farm favorite for his sweet, easygoing personality. Pair that with producing some absolutely gorgeous kids, and I cannot complain much! This guy is so consistent. Xavier will be our main herd sire for the fall of 2020.

Xavier - 2019

Caelum Parvum NC Cecilia

Sire: *B Raintree EZ Mudslide - 84 +VV

Pat. granddam:
Misty-Hollow Lucy Lui

Pat. grandsire: *B K
CH Noble-Oaks KW Constantine

Mat. granddam: GCH Mint*Leaf Kaity 1*M

Mat. grandsire: +*B J-Haven's EE Livin Easy
Photos of Kiaty and Easy courtesy of Raintree-Calico Dairy Goats

Xavier daughters in our herd:
Caelum Parvum CPX Faerie (Experimental)
Dam: Tempo Passa Eryx Eudril
Caelum Parvum CX Asgarth Falls

Dam: Caelum Parvum NOB Niagara Falls
Caelum Parvum CPX Holly

Dam: Caelum Parvum NC Noelle
Caelum Parvum CPX Havasu Falls

Dam: Caelum Parvum NOB Niagara Falls
Caelum Parvum CPX Honestia

Dam: Caelum Parvum MH Patience




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This page updated on 12/07/2022